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Sustainable Agricultural Economics

How sustainable is your farm?

What do you come up with when you analyse the dangers in your workplace?

What are the social effects that regional added value can introduce?

Where should agricultural employees have greater say when it comes to sustainable development in rural areas?

What is the minimum for negotiated wages in the agricultural sector?

What types of direct marketing for agricultural products exist?

What are the economic advantages of regional marketing?

Agricultural livestock have to be regularly observed and inspected. What is the economic advantage of this?

In general, what best defines a crisis-resistant agricultural operation?

Why is the use of regionally produced feed beneficial from an ecological standpoint?

What types of ecological damage can arise from cultivating and exporting soy in countries such as Brazil?

What demands does sustainable animal husbandry make of workers in the agricultural sector?

What does specie-appropriate husbandry mean?


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